Mission Statement
Our mission at Bishop Garriga Middle School is to provide a transformational Catholic education of excellence, with a diverse student body experience, rooted in faith, reason, and virtue for this life and the next.
Guided by the Catholic faith, our students will excel academically, lead socially, and exemplify the teachings of Jesus Christ; for we are dedicated to forming the whole student, and believe that the best version of each student is found in a Christ-Centered relationship, grounded in a faith community, empowered through reason, and serving in virtue.
Philosophy of Education
In this ever-expanding age of information through digital technologies, we believe that the ability to discern that which is of lasting value will be the most important attribute of our students for the future. The world currently offers unfiltered information like water from a geyser that is both dangerous and fails to satiate. We seek to form self-disciplined students that can drink deliberately from a discerned thirst-quenching water well of worldly information all that is good, true and beautiful through critical reasoning and grace.